Generic middlewares

You can create middlewares that are invoked for all events or queries. To do that you have to create an open generic class implementing the middleware interfaces. See Middlewares for details about middlewares.

For example this middleware will be invoked for all events:

public class EventGenericMiddleware<TEvent> : IEventMiddleware<TEvent> where TEvent : IEvent
   public async Task Invoke(TEvent @event, CancellationToken cancellationToken, NextMiddlewareDelegate next)

           //example validation
           if (@event == null)
               //example exception for this example
               throw new InvalidOperationException("The event must be not null");

           await next();

Another example. Imagine that you have an abstract class called BaseEvent for some events in your app, and you want to create a middleware that is only invoked for all events that are derived from BaseEvent.

This will do the trick:

public abstract class BaseEvent : IEvent
   public Guid EventId { get; }

   public BaseEvent()
           EventId = Guid.NewGuid();

//our middleware for all BaseEvent derived events
public class BaseEventGenericMiddleware<TEvent> : IEventMiddleware<TEvent> where TEvent : BaseEvent
   public async Task Invoke(TEvent @event, CancellationToken cancellationToken, NextMiddlewareDelegate next)

       //example validation
       if (@event.EventId == Guid.Empty)
               //example exception for this example
               throw new InvalidOperationException("The event id must be not null");

       await next();


This depends on the DI container support for generic variance.


For queries is the same concept.

public abstract class BaseQuery<TResult>:IQuery<TResult>
        public Guid QueryId { get; }

        public BaseQuery()
            QueryId = Guid.NewGuid();

//middleware for all BaseQuery derived queries
public class BaseQueryGenericMiddleware<TQuery, TResult> : IQueryMiddleware<TQuery, TResult> where TQuery : BaseQuery<TResult>
        public async Task<TResult> Invoke(TQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken, NextMiddlewareDelegate<TResult> next)
            //example validation
            if (query.QueryId != Guid.Empty)
                return await next();

            //example exception for this example
            throw new InvalidOperationException("The query id must be not null");